Audrey enjoys reading to her dolls. Gibby loves when it is story time.
Evan enjoys his remote control car on the back patio.
Simon has been given the go ahead to get back to normal activity. He wants to run and fetch but I am still a little nervous about it so I tend to still hold him back some. He is doing well on his new knee. He has a permanent "twist" in his walk now and some lameness (this will pass) after being on it a lot but he seems to be pain free for the first time in over two years. This is a good thing! We have even managed to slim him down to the range his Vet wants him to stay in.
Gibby now has a new arch nemesis. The lizards that live around our back patio. He is obsessed with them and is constantly looking for them. They taunt him by climbing up the wall just high enough that he can see them but can't reach them. He has sniffed out one of their holes but they have since moved. He continues to check it out everytime he is let out into the yard.