Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our babies....

Audrey wanted to "grow" butterflies.  We ordered the kit and  was not sure what to expect.  We got a cup in the mail with 5 larvae.  It looked a little disgusting and not very promising.  The instructions promised at least 3 butterflies would be produced in about 2-3 weeks and it described the cocoon process and how to transfer the cocoons into the habitat.

It was so exciting for all of us to watch as the larvae turned into caterpillars which ate and grew for about 10 days before taking the journey to the top of the cup to form their crysalis.  After about 7 days Audrey came running out screaming "they're here, they're here" and three of them had become butterlies.  Within the day a fourth came.  The fifth is still in his/her cocoon.  Not sure if it is going to turn or if it is a dud.  We are hopeful that he/she will still make it.

After keeping and feeding them for 3 days, Audrey decided they wanted to fly.  She was right as their activity had increased a great deal by day 3 of being butterflies.  So we released them yesterday.  We were thrilled that they seem to be hanging around our yard.  But it is tough letting go...... :)