Here are a variety of pictures from the last week. Been busy but hoping to slow down a bit and start taking "real" pictures again.
Evan has started in a Par 3 golf league that he absolutely loves. It is giving him the confidence and competition he needs to get ready to play for our Middle School team next year (fingers crossed). He also got to go dove hunting, shooting and fishing with John on Labor Day and again this weekend. He truly loves to shoot and we are still looking for a local Junior Shooting League but have not yet found one close enough.
Audrey took her first piano lesson (no picture yet) and loved it. She learned a couple of short songs that she loves to practice and sing along. We have started doing her homework at the park while the weather is still nice. She started having spelling tests this year and here is her first practice (we keep her practice in a special notebook). She is a natural!! Her hermit crabs are thriving and she enjoys giving them their bath on Saturday nights. Another addition to the family, Jimmy (Grammy's baby), is growing fast and the kids love visiting him after school on Fridays.